Автор: Umberto Veronesi, Aron Goldhirsch, Paolo Veronesi Название: Breast Cancer: Innovations in Research and Management Издательство: Springer Год: 2017 ISBN: 9783319488462 Язык: English Формат: epub, pdf Размер: 59,1 mb Страниц: 928
Current and emerging perspectives on genetics, biology, and prevention are first discussed in depth, and individual sections are then devoted to pathology, imaging, oncological surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, medical oncology, and radiotherapy. In each case the focus is on the most recent progress and/or state of the art therapies and techniques. Further topics to receive detailed consideration include particular conditions requiring multidisciplinary approaches, the investigation of new drugs and immunological agents, lifestyle and psychological aspects, and biostatistics and informatics.
The book will be an excellent reference for practitioners, interns and residents in medical oncology, oncologic surgery, radiotherapy, pathology, and human genetics, researchers, and advanced medical students.
Part I An Integrated View of Breast Cancer Biology
1 Fundamental Pathways In Breast Cancer 1: Signaling from the Membrane Yekaterina Poloz. Ryan J.O. Dowling, and Vuk Stambolic 2 Fundamental Pathways In Breast Cancer 2: Maintenance of Genomic Stability Chiara Gorrini and Так W. Mak 3 Fundamental Pathways In Breast Cancer 3: Estrogen Biology Luca Magnani and Darren K. Patten 4 Fundamental Pathways In Breast Cancer 4: Signaling to Chromatin In Breast Development Luca Mazzarella and Pier Giuseppe Pelicci 5 Breast Cancer Microenvironment and the Metastatic Process George Sflomos and Cathrin Brisken 6 Mouse Models of Breast Cancer: Deceptions that Reveal the Truth Joana Pinto Couto and Mohamed Bentires-Alj Part II Epidemiology, Genetics and Prevention
7 Epidemiology. Lifestyle, and Environmental Factors Patrick Maisonneuve 8 Breast Cancer Genetics Ana Carolina Ribeiro Chaves de Gouvea and Judy E. Garber 9 Chemopreventlon Andrea De Censi. Bernardo Bonanni. and Massimiliano Cazzaniga 10 Surgical Prevention Paolo Veronesi and Nickolas Peradze
Part III Pathology: Standard and Molecular Diagnostics
11 Premallgnant and Pre-lnvaslve Lesions of the Breast Elena Guerini-Rocco and Nicola Fusco 12 Prognostic and Predictive Role of Genetic Signatures Giancarlo Pruneri and Francesca Boggio 13 Special Types of Breast Cancer and Non-eplthellal Tumors Giovanni Mazzarol and Sara Pirola 14 Pathology After Neoadjuvant Treatments W. Fraser Symmans 15 Breast Cancer Genomics Maurizio Scaltriti 16 The Pathology Report Andrea Vingiani and Giuseppe Viale Part IV Imaging
17 Radiological Screening of Breast Cancer: Evolution Alfonso Frigcrio. Francesco Sardanclli. and Franca Podo 18 Innovation In Breast Cancer Radiology Rumana Rahim. Michael J. Michell, Viviana Londero, Chiara Zuiani, Martina Zanotel, Massimo Bazzocchi, and Christiane K. Kuhl 19 Nuclear Medicine In the Clinical Management (ROLL, SNB, and PET) Giovanni Paganelli, Federica Matteucci, and Laura Gilardi 20 One-Step Systemic Staging for Patients with Breast Cancer Giuseppe Petralia and Anwar R. Padhani 21 Imaging Findings After Surgery Silvia Perez Rodrigo and Elizabeth A. Morris 22 Integrated Breast Biopsy for Best Radiological Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Enrico Cassano and Chiara Trentin Part V Oncological Surgery
23 Conservative Surgery Umberto Veronesi 24 The Conservative Mastectomy Alberto Luini 25 Surgical Treatment of Local Recurrence In Breast Cancer Patients Jose Vila, Francisco Ripoll. and Oreste D. Gentilini 26 Management of the Axilla Viviana Galimberti 27 Management of Intraepithelial Disease Antonio Toesca 28 Breast-Conserving Surgery After Neoadjuvant Therapy Mahdi Rezai and Stefan Kraemer 29 Surgical Treatment of the Primary I\imor In Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV Disease) Mattia Intra 30 Breast Cancer In Lymphoma Survivors Mattia Intra and Denise Mattar Fanianos 31 Surgery of Metastases In Stage IV Breast Cancer Elisabctta Pennacchioli, Gianluca Varano, Franco Orsi, Pierpaolo Prestianni, Gianmarco Orsolini, and Angela Cioffi
Part VI Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
32 Oncoplastlc Surgery Cicero Urban and Mario Rietjens 33 Delayed Breast Reconstruction Cicero Urban and Flavia Kuroda 34 Immediate Breast Reconstruction (Direct to Implant) Mario Rietjens, Pietro Loschi, and Leonardo Pires Novais Dias 35 Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Expander and Definitive Implant Replacement Thomas H.S. Fysh and R. Rainsbury 36 The Pedicled TRAM Flap In Breast Reconstruction Glyn Jones 37 Breast Reconstruction with Free Flaps Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo, Benedetto Longo, and Rosaria Laporta 38 Contralateral Breast Management Marco Klinger. Luca Maione, Silvia Giannasi. Valeria Bandi, Barbara Banzatti, Alessandra Veronesi, Barbara Catania, Valeriano Vinci, Andrea Lisa, Guido Cornegliani, Micol Giaccone, Mattia Siliprandi, Fabio Caviggioli, and Francesco Klinger 39 Lipofllllng J.Y. Petit, V. Lohsiriwat, and M. Rietjens 40 Breast Reconstruction with Biological and Non-blologlcal Meshes and Matrices Rachel Rolph and Jian Farhadi 41 How to Manage Complications In Breast Reconstruction Francesca De Lorenzi Part VII Medical Oncology
42 Adjuvant Systemic Therapies by Subtypes: Guidelines Antonella Palazzo and Marco Colleoni 43 Primary Systemic Therapies: Guidelines Jenny Furlanetto and Gunter von Minckwitz 44 Treatment of Advanced Disease: Guidelines Rosario Andre, Simona Ruxandra Volovat, and Fatima Cardoso 45 Endocrine Therapies In the Adjuvant and Advanced Disease Settings Olivia Pagani 46 Chemotherapy Regimens In the Adjuvant and Advanced Disease Settings Christopher D. Hart, Laura Biganzoli. and Angelo Di Leo 47 Antl-HKR2 Therapies In the Adjuvant and Advanced Disease Settings Elisabetta Munzone 48 Adjuvant Treatment with Bone-Targeting Agents (Blsphosphonates and Antl-RANK-Ligand Antibody) Michael Gnant 49 Systemic Treatment for Specific Medical Situations Silvia Dellapasqua
Part VIII Radiotherapy
50 Conceptual Basis and Principles of Radiation Oncology Roberto Orecchia 51 Whole-Breast Irradiation Following Breast-Conserving Surgery for Invasive Breast Cancer Anna Kirby 52 Whole-Breast Radiation Following Breast-Conserving Surgery In Nonlnvaslve Cancer Beryl McCormick 53 Post mastectomy Radiation Therapy of Early Breast Cancer Birgitte Vrou OfTerscn and Mette Skovhus Thomsen 54 Concurrent Use of Radiation Therapy and Targeted Molecules In the Breast Cancer Treatment Youlia M. Kirova and Alain Fourquet 55 Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Nina N. Sanford and Alphonse G. Taghian 56 Intraoperative Radiotherapy with Electrons (ELIOT) Maria Cristina Leonardi 57 Radiotherapy for Metastatic Lesions Per Karlsson and Dan Lundstedt
Part IX Special Conditions Requiring Multidisciplinary Approaches
58 Emergencies In Breast Cancer Lorenzo Gianni, Maria Vittoria Stefania Nicoletti, and Valentina Arcangcli 59 Breast Cancer (Diagnosed) During Pregnancy: Adapting Recent Advances In Breast Cancer Care for Pregnant Patients Sibylle Loibk, Andre Schmidt, Oreste D. Gentilink, Bella Kaufman, Christine Kuhl, Carsten Denkert, Gunter von Minckwitz, Anastasia Parokonnaya, Hanne Stensheim, Christoph Thomssen, Kristel van Calsteren, Philip Poortmans, Paul Berveiller, Udo Markert, and Frederic Amant 60 Chest Wall Disease: The Clinical Continuum Between Inflammatory and Lymphangltlc Breast Cancer Giuseppe Curigliano 61 Fertility Issues In Patients with Breast Cancer or Survivors Matteo Lambertini, Hatem A. Azim Jr. and Fedro A. Peccatori 62 Breast Cancer and Sexuality with Focus In Young Women: From Evidence-Based Data to Women’s Wording to Treatment Perspectives Alessandra Graziottin 63 Male Breast Cancer Laura Ottini and Carlo Capalbo 64 Treatment of Central Nervous System Involvement E. Munzone, C. Casali, M. Del Bene, and F. Di Meco 65 Follow-Up of Patients with Breast Cancer Lorenzo Gianni, Alessandra Affatato, and Davide Tassinari
Part X Investigating New Drugs and Immunological Agents In Breast Cancer
66 Targeting Immune Checkpoint Angela Esposito and Giuseppe Curigliano 67 Targeting PI3К/AKT/mTOR Pathway Carmen Criscitiello and Giuseppe Curigliano 68 Targeting Genome Instability and DNA Repair Marzia Locatelli and Giuseppe Curigliano 69 Targeting the CDK4/6 Pathway In Breast Cancer Luca Malorni, Ilenia Migliaccio, Cristina Guarducci, Martina Bonechi, and Angelo Di Leo 70 Targeting FGFR Pathway In Breast Cancer Carmen Criscitiello. Angela Esposito, and Giuseppe Curigliano 71 Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing Data In Trial Design Giuseppe Curigliano, Angela Esposito, Marzia Locatelli, and Carmen Criscitiello
Part XI Investigational and Miscellaneous Approaches
72 Lifestyle and Breast Cancer Rowan T. Chlebowski 73 Psychological Support In Breast Cancer Patients: A Personalized Approach Chiara Fioretti, Ketti Mazzocco, and Gabriel la Pravettoni 74 HIFU and Radio Frequency as Alternatives to Surgery Franco Orsi and Giovanni Mauri 75 Hyperthermia with Radiotherapy and with Systemic Therapies J. van der Zee and G.C. van Rhoon 76 Electrochemotherapy of Breast Cancer Luca G. Campana, Louise Wichmann Matthiessen, Marko Snoj, and Gregor Sersa 77 Circulating mIRNA In Early Diagnosis Fabrizio Bianchi 78 Relevance of Stem Cells Salvatore Pece, Maria Grazia Malabarba, Pier Paolo Di Fiore, and Daniela Tosoni
Part XII Blostatlstlcs and Blolnformatlcs
79 Subgroup Analyses and Information from Clinical Trials on Breast Cancer Wai-Ki Yip 80 The Methodology of Meta-Analyses and Its Potential Contribution to Patient Care di Sara Gandini 81 Trial Designs and Blostatlstlcs for Molecular-Targeted Agents William T. Barry 82 Blolnformatlcs for Clinical Use In Breast Cancer Fabrizio Bianchi
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