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  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:26
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Early Socialisation: Sociability and Attachment (Routledge Modular Psychology)
Автор: Cara Flanagan
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 1999
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 192
Размер: 1 MB
Язык: English

Early Socialisation looks at sociability and attachment and how they relate to emotional and cognitive development. Topics covered include: bonding, attachment, deprivation, separation and privation, as well as enrichment. Social and cultural variations are considered, and theories of attachment and loss are described and evaluated.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:23
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self Deception
Автор: Daniel Goleman
Издательство: Simon and Schuster
Год: 1998
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 288
Размер: 7 MB
Язык: English

Vital Lies, Simple Truths is a penetrating analysis of the ways in which we deceive ourselves. Daniel Goleman draws on evidence of all kinds - from brain function to social dynamics - to reveal how we must distort our most intimate relationships and our day-to-day lives by burying painful insights and memories. This self-deception is our means of psychological self-preservation, the currency of survival in which society transacts. But although self-deception is sometimes benighn, it can also be dangerous and life-diminishing. This important book both illuminates and raises challenging questions about a subject central to our psychological existence.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:20
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Toward a Psychology of Uncertainty: Trauma-Centered Psychoanalysis
Автор: Doris Brothers
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 240
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

Since trauma is a thoroughly relational phenomenon, it is highly unpredictable, and cannot be made to fit within the scientific framework Freud so admired. In Toward a Psychology of Uncertainty: Trauma-Centered Psychoanalysis, Doris Brothers urges a return to a trauma-centered psychoanalysis. Making use of relational systems theory, she shows that experiences of uncertainty are continually transformed by the regulatory processes of everyday life such as feeling, knowing, forming categories, making decisions, using language, creating narratives, sensing time, remembering, forgetting, and fantasizing. Insofar as trauma destroys the certainties that organize psychological life, it plunges our relational systems into chaos and sets the stage for the emergence of rigid, life-constricting relational patterns. These trauma-generated patterns, which often involve denial of sameness and difference, the creation of complexity-reducing dualities, and the transformation of certainty into certitude, figure prominently in virtually all of the complaints for which patients seek analytic treatment. Analysts, she claims, are no more strangers to trauma than are their patients. Using in-depth clinical illustrations, Dr. Brothers demonstrates how a mutual desire to heal and to be healed from trauma draws patients and analysts into their analytic relationships. She recommends the reconceptualization of what has heretofore been considered transference and countertransference in terms of the transformation of experienced uncertainty. In her view the increased ability of both analytic partners to live with uncertainty is the mark of a successful treatment. Dr. Brothers’ perspective sheds fresh light on a variety of topics of great general interest to analysts as well as many of their patients, such as gender, the acceptance of death, faith, cult-like training programs, and burnout. Her discussions of these topics are enlivened by references to contemporary cinema and theatre.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:18
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help))
Автор: Rhena Branch, Rob Willson
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2008
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 322
Размер: 5 MB
Язык: English

CBT is a proven and effective approach to mastering your thoughts, and here the authors of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies show you step-by-step how to put the lessons of their book into practice.Inside you’ll find a huge number of hands-on exercises and techniques to help you remove roadblocks to change - whether you’re seeking to overcome anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem, lose weight, beat addiction or simply improve your outlook in your professional and personal life – and regain control over your life.Rhena Branch and Rob Willson are CBT therapists at the Priory Clinic in London, and the authors of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:10
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Dimensions of Moral Theory: An Introduction to Metaethics and Moral Psychology
Автор: Jonathan Jacobs
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell
Год: 2002
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 192
Размер: 549 kB
Язык: English

'Dimensions' may well become the standard intermediate text in ethics courses. Jacobs offers a clear, cohesive, and accessible examination of the often mysterious, yet critical content of ethical theory, falling under the rubrics of metaethics (epistemological, metaphysical, and semantic)and moral psychology, which details the major positions and supporting arguments while tracing their historical development, with concinnity (notably, under 150 pages) and aplumb.
Citing David McNaughton, Keele University, from the back cover, "There is a real sense of engaging in a continuing dialogue that spans the history of the subject." The book is conveniently, for a sixteen week semester, divided into four sections: Objectivity and Subjectivity, Moral Theory and Moral Psychology, Forms of Moral Theory, Naturalism and Non-naturalism. The book has excellent references, bibliography, and useful glossary.
My only reservations are that, because of its compact presentation (a strength), the reading is sometimes haltingly slow. Also, the work of certain important contemporaries such as Parfit and Singer are ignored.
However, this superb study is the perfect text to follow a general introduction, such as Rachels, et al., and highly useful for anyone wishing to know more about the more challenging issues informing contemporary ethical discourse and practice.

  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:04
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Dictionary of Psychology and Allied Sciences
Автор: M.S. Bhatia
Издательство: New Age International
Год: 2009
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 496
Размер: 1 MB
Язык: English

This dictionary is specifically written in a simple language for easy grasping of psychology and allied sciences. About 8000 wards used in the fields of psychiatry, psychology and neurology have been arranged in an alphabetical order along with their definitions. Some of the important terms of psychology and allied science related with India have also been included. This book will act as a supplement to Textbook of Clinical Psychology written by same author and published by the same publishers.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 01:02
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Psychology of Disability: Second Edition (Springer Series on Rehabilitation)
Автор: Carolyn L. Vash PhD, Nancy M. Crewe PhD
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2003
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 352
Размер: 907 kB
Язык: English

Describes the changes coming from the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as technological advances, new legislation, and evolving healthcare systems. Addresses the growing interest in racial and ethnic diversity and explores spirituality and disability. Previous edition: c1981.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 00:59
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: The Mind's Arrows: Bayes Nets and Graphical Causal Models in Psychology
Автор: Clark Glymour
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год: 2001
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 241
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

In recent years, small groups of statisticians, computer scientists, and philosophers have developed an account of how partial causal knowledge can be used to compute the effect of actions and how causal relations can be learned, at least by computers. The representations used in the emerging theory are causal Bayes nets or graphical causal models.In his new book, Clark Glymour provides an informal introduction to the basic assumptions, algorithms, and techniques of causal Bayes nets and graphical causal models in the context of psychological examples. He demonstrates their potential as a powerful tool for guiding experimental inquiry and for interpreting results in developmental psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, psychometrics, social psychology, and studies of adult judgment. Using Bayes net techniques, Glymour suggests novel experiments to distinguish among theories of human causal learning and reanalyzes various experimental results that have been interpreted or misinterpreted--without the benefit of Bayes nets and graphical causal models. The capstone illustration is an analysis of the methods used in Herrnstein and Murray's book The Bell Curve; Glymour argues that new, more reliable methods of data analysis, based on Bayes nets representations, would lead to very different conclusions from those advocated by Herrnstein and Murray.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 00:57
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Mind and Common Sense: Philosophical Essays on Common Sense Psychology
Автор: Radu J. Bogdan
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год: 1991
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 220
Размер: 1 MB
Язык: English

The contributors to this volume examine current controversies about the importance of common sense psychology for our understanding of the human mind. Common sense provides a familiar and friendly psychological scheme by which to talk about the mind. Its categories (belief, desire, intention, consciousness, emotion, and so on) tend to portray the mind as quite different from the rest of nature, and thus irreducible to physical matters and its laws. In this volume a variety of positions on common sense psychology from critical to supportive, from exegetical to speculative, are represented. Among the questions posed are: Is common sense psychology an empirical theory, a body of analytic knowledge, a practice, or a strategy? If it is a legitimate enterprise can it be naturalized or not? If it is not legitimate can it be eliminated? Is its fate tied to our understanding of consciousness? Should we approach its concepts and generalizations from the standpoint of conceptual analysis or from the philosophy of science?
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 29-08-2018, 00:51
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Command Failure in War: Psychology and Leadership
Автор: Robert A. Pois, Philip Langer
Издательство: Indiana University Press
Год: 2004
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 304
Размер: 12 MB
Язык: English

Why do military commanders, most of them usually quite capable, fail at crucial moments of their careers? Robert Pois and Philip Langer -- one a historian, the other an educational psychologist -- study seven cases of military command failures, from Frederick the Great at Kunersdorf to Hitler's invasion of Russia. While the authors recognize the value of psychological theorizing, they do not believe that one method can cover all the individuals, battles, or campaigns under examination. Instead, they judiciously take a number of psycho-historical approaches in hope of shedding light on the behaviors of commanders during war. The other battles and commanders studied here are Napoleon in Russia, George B. McClellan's Peninsular Campaign, Robert E. Lee and Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, John Bell Hood at the Battle of Franklin, Douglas Haig and the British command during World War I, "Bomber" Harris and the Strategic Bombing of Germany, and Stalingrad.