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  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:25
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport
Автор: Martin Hagger, Nikos Chatzisarantis
Издательство: Open University Press
Год: 2005
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 280
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport examines the role that social psychology has in the explanation of exercise and sport behavior. It devotes considerable attention to key social psychological issues within the two disciplines, exercise behavior for health reasons, and the behavior of competitive sport participants and the spectators of elite sport. The book focuses on a narrow range of selected topics and provides comprehensive, in-depth, and analytical coverage using social psychology as a framework.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:22
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Culture in Minds and Societies: Foundations of Cultural Psychology
Автор: Jaan Valsiner
Издательство: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 385
Размер: 5 MB
Язык: English

In short, Culture in Minds and Societies: Foundations of Cultural Psychology presents a new look at the relationship between people and society, produces a semiotic theory of cultural psychology and provides a dynamic treatment of culture in human lives. This book makes a decisive break from the post-modernist theoretical framework that considers knowledge as local and situation-specific. It restores the goal of construction of general knowledge to the social sciences. While recognizing the uniqueness of all human personal experience from birth to death, it emphasizes the universality of cultural organization of human minds and societies.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:20
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives
Автор: Victoria Clarke, Elizabeth Peel
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 496
Размер: 14 MB
Язык: English

There has been a recent explosion of interest in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Perspective Psychology amongst students and academics, and this interest is predicted to continue to rise. Recent media debates on subjects such as same-sex marriage have fuelled interest in LGBTQ perspectives. This edited collection showcases the latest thinking in LGBTQ psychology. The book has 21 chapters covering subjects such as same sex parenting, outing, young LGBTQ people, sport, learning disabilities, lesbian and gay identities etc. The book has an international focus, with contributors from UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:17
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour: Challenging Standard Assumptions
Автор: Bina Agarwal, Alessandro Vercelli
Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan
Год: 2005
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 285
Размер: 1 MB
Язык: English

Economics has paid little attention to the psychology of economic behavior, leading to somewhat simplistic assumptions about human nature. The psychological aspects have typically been reduced to assumptions of standard utility theory, based on a narrow conception of rationality, often called "substantive rationality". However, recent work, some theoretic, some based on experimental economics or an empirical analysis of existing data, challenges these assumptions and forefronts the psychological dimensions of economic decisions. The essays in this volume provide a glimpse of this exciting and newly emerging field.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:15
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Role of General Mental Ability in Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology
Автор: Chockalingam Viswesvaran, Deniz S. Ones
Издательство: Psychology Press
Год: 2002
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 232
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

This special issue summarizes the state of knowledge of g as it relates to IWO psychology and masterfully draws out areas of question and contention. Each of the papers highlights similarities and differences among perspectives and sheds light on research needs for the future. The last article summarizes the major themes that run across all the articles and offers a review of contrasts in viewpoints. The final product will be informative and beneficial to researchers, graduate students, practitioners, and decision makers.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:12
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: The Lost Art of Compassion: Discovering the Practice of Happiness in the Meeting of Buddhism and Psychology
Автор: Lorne Ladner
Издательство: HarperOne
Год: 2005
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 328
Размер: 1 MB
Язык: English

Now in paperback, this practical guide to cultivating compassion delivers Buddhist and psychological insight right where we need it most—navigating the difficulties of our daily lives. Compassion is often seen as a distant, altruistic ideal cultivated by saints, or as an unrealistic response of the naively kind-hearted. Seeing compassion in this way, we lose out on experiencing the transformative potential of one of our most neglected inner resources. Dr Lorne Ladner rescues compassion from this marginalised view, showing how its practical application in our life can be a powerful force in achieving happiness. Combining the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and Western psychology, Ladner presents clear, effective practices for cultivating compassion in daily living.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:10
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology
Автор: Robert C. Richardson
Издательство: MIT Press
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 227
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

This is one of those books where an author expresses his wondering thoughts without making a clear point or really suggesting or proving anything. His arguments are weak and his writing is unfocused.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:06
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Psychology in Organizations - The Social Identity Approach
Автор: Dr S Alexander Haslam
Издательство: Sage Publications Ltd
Год: 2004
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 337
Размер: 3 MB
Язык: English

Alex Haslam has thoroughly revised and updated his ground-breaking original text with this new edition. While still retaining the highly readable and engaging style of the best-selling First Edition, the author presents extensive reviews and critiques of major topics in organizational psychology - including leadership, motivation, communication, decision making, negotiation, power, productivity and collective action - in this thoroughly revised edition.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:03
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Ethics and the A Priori: Selected Essays on Moral Psychology and Meta-Ethics
Автор: Michael Smith
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год: 2004
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 402
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

This volume includes a series of essays about the nature of belief and desire, the status of normative judgment, and the relevance of the views we take on both these topics to the accounts we give of our nature as free and responsible agents. The long awaited collection comprises some of the most influential of Michael Smith's essays written over a period of fifteen years and will be of interest to students in philosophy and psychology.
  • Добавил: mihail1000
  • Дата: 30-08-2018, 02:00
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Popular Psychology: An Encyclopedia
Автор: Luis A. Cord?n
Издательство: Greenwood Press
Год: 2005
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 296
Размер: 3 MB
Язык: English

Luis Cordon's reference is actually an encyclopedia, providing a basic guide for high school to college students who want to understand the foundations of serious psychology. There are over a hundred entries from acupuncture and alien abduction to brainwashing, chemical imbalance and more. Topics range from mood disorders to stress disorders, seasonal disorders and pop trends which aren't really true psychology.