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  • Добавил: TRex
  • Дата: 1-02-2022, 10:59
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Mathematics in Cyber Research
Автор: Paul L. Goethals, Natalie M. Scala, Daniel T. Bennett
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2022
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 524
Размер: 35,8 Mb
Язык: English

In the last decade, both scholars and practitioners have sought novel ways to address the problem of cybersecurity. Innovative outcomes have included applications such as blockchain as well as creative methods for cyber forensics, software development, and intrusion prevention. Accompanying these technological advancements, discussion on cyber matters at national and international levels has focused primarily on the topics of law, policy, and strategy. The objective of these efforts is typically to promote security by establishing agreements among stakeholders on regulatory activities. Varying levels of investment in cyberspace, however, comes with varying levels of risk; in some ways, this can translate directly to the degree of emphasis for pushing substantial change.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 1-02-2022, 06:18
  • Комментариев: 0
Non-Gaussian Autoregressive-Type Time SeriesНазвание: Non-Gaussian Autoregressive-Type Time Series
Автор: N. Balakrishna
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2022
Страниц: 238
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 19.8 MB

This book brings together a variety of non-Gaussian autoregressive-type models to analyze time-series data. This book collects and collates most of the available models in the field and provide their probabilistic and inferential properties. This book classifies the stationary time-series models into different groups such as linear stationary models with non-Gaussian innovations, linear stationary models with non-Gaussian marginal distributions, product autoregressive models and minification models. Even though several non-Gaussian time-series models are available in the literature, most of them are focusing on the model structure and the probabilistic properties. However, the validity of such models cannot be assessed without a valid inference method. One of the difficulties in dealing with non-Gaussian time series models is that, there is no unified approach to tackle the problem of estimation.
  • Добавил: mtmkhl
  • Дата: 1-02-2022, 05:15
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Новый энциклопедический словарь Т.11
Автор: Под ред. акад. К. К. Арсеньева
Издательство: СПб.—Пг.: Изд-во Ф. А. Брокгауз и И. А. Ефрон
Год: 1913
Размер: 41.92MB
Язык: русский

«Новый энциклопедический словарь» должен был охватить тот же круг знаний, что и предыдущее издание издательства «Брокгауз-Ефрон» («Энциклопедический словарь»), но в более компактной и современной обработке. В 1916 г. из-за трудностей военного времени выход словаря был прекращен на 29-ом томе (первоначально предполагалось издать 48 томов этого издания).
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 16:51
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Infographic Guide to Creating Stories
Автор: Hank Quense
Издательство: Strange Worlds Publishing
Год: 2022
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 10 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Do you have a story struggling to come out? Do you know how to write it down? Or how to tell it?Writing a story involves weaving many elements together to create a singular tale. If you’re stumped on how to get started, you need this book: Infographic Guide to Creating Stories. Hank Quense tells you how to create your story. He believes that stories come from the melding of three elements: getting ideas, story design and story-telling. Ideas have to come from the author. Infographic Guide to Creating Stories concentrates on the last two.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 14:50
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Introducing Rousseau: A Graphic Guide
Автор: Dave Robinson and Oscar Zarate
Издательство: Icon Books
Год: 2015
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 102 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Illustrated guide to the crucial French philosopher who denied bring a philosopher at all. 'I am like no one else in the whole world ...' Thus begins Jean-Jacques Rousseau's defiant Confessions - an autobiography of astounding psychological insight. Musician, poet, novelist and botanist, but above all, a philosopher who firmly denied being one, Rousseau was the first to ask: "What is the value of civilization?" His answer - that civilization corrupts natural goodness and increases social inequalities - shocked his Enlightenment contemporaries and still challenges us today. Did Rousseau inspire the French Revolution? Can Romanticism, psychoanalysis and Existentialism all be traced back to him? Introducing Rousseau presents a maverick thinker whose ideas revolutionized our understanding of childhood, education, government, language and much else. Dave Robinson's clear and concise account of Rousseau's ideas, engagingly dramatized by Oscar Zarate's illustrations, guides the reader through Rousseau's turbulent life of lost innocence, persecution and paranoia.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 14:27
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Introducing Statistics: A Graphic Guide
Автор: Eileen Magnello, Borin Van Loon
Издательство: Icon Books
Год: 2014
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 23 Мб
Язык: английский / English

From the medicine we take, the treatments we receive, the aptitude and psychometric tests given by employers, the cars we drive, the clothes we wear to even the beer we drink, statistics have given shape to the world we inhabit. For the media, statistics are routinely 'damning', 'horrifying', or, occasionally, 'encouraging'. Yet, for all their ubiquity, most of us really don't know what to make of statistics. Exploring the history, mathematics, philosophy and practical use of statistics, Eileen Magnello - accompanied by Bill Mayblin's intelligent graphic illustration - traces the rise of statistics from the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Chinese, to the censuses of Romans and the Greeks, and the modern emergence of the term itself in Europe. She explores the 'vital statistics' of, in particular, William Farr, and the mathematical statistics of Karl Pearson and R.A. Fisher. She even tells how knowledge of statistics can prolong one's life, as it did for evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, given eight months to live after a cancer diagnoses in 1982 - and he lived until 2002. This title offers an enjoyable, surprise-filled tour through a subject that is both fascinating and crucial to understanding our world.
  • Добавил: Natali26
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 13:59
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Интегральная геометрия и геометрические вероятности
Автор: Сантало Л.
Издательство: Наука
Год: 1983
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 181
Размер: 13,92 Мб
Язык: русский

Эта монография - первая из предлагаемой серии по теории вероятностей. Хотя название может показаться несколько необычным в этом контексте, тем не менее, оно вполне подходит, ибо интегральная геометрия развилась из того, что раньше называлось.

  • Добавил: Natali26
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 13:48
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Диофантовы приближения
Автор: Шмидт В.
Издательство: Мир
Год: 1983
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 218
Размер: 10,67 Мб
Язык: русский

Книга крупного американского специалиста по теории чисел, содержащая систематическое изложение теории диофантовых приближений, в которой за последние годы получены новые глубокие результаты.

  • Добавил: Natali26
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 13:25
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Таблицы интегралов и другие математические формулы
Автор: Двайт Г.Б.
Издательство: Наука
Год: 1973
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 236
Размер: 14,01 Мб
Язык: русский

Книга содержит весьма подробные таблицы неопределенных и определенных интегралов, а также большое число .других математических формул: разложения в ряды, тригонометрические и другие тождества, справочный материал по специальным функциям.

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 31-01-2022, 05:59
  • Комментариев: 0
Engineering Electrodynamics: A collection of theorems, principles and field representationsНазвание: Engineering Electrodynamics: A collection of theorems, principles and field representations
Автор: Ramakrishna Janaswamy
Издательство: IOP Publishing
Год: 2020
Страниц: 576
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 29.6 MB

Electromagnetics refers to the study of magnetism and electricity and their inter-relation. It is a branch of physics which deals with studying electromagnetic fields produced by electrically charged objects. The applications of electromagnetic fields are used in various motors, CAT scanners, TVs, radio transmissions, magnetic resonance imaging, common speakers, etc. This book contains some path-breaking studies related to this field. It includes a detailed explanation of the various theories and applications of electromagnetism. The topics included in this text are of utmost significance and are bound to provide incredible insights to the readers. It includes contributions of experts and scientists from across the globe and thus, will serve as a reference guide to students, scientists, physicists, engineers, researchers, and all those who are interested in this subject.