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  • Добавил: umkaS
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 11:14
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Напрасная вражда: Очерки советско-израильских отношений 1948-1991 гг.
Автор: Носенко Т.В., Семенченко Н.А.
Издательство: Институт востоковедения РАН
Год: 2015
Страниц: 260
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11 мб

Отношения с Израилем являются особой частью советской ближневосточной политики. В книге с привлечением опубликованных документов, архивных материалов и мемуарной литературы анализируются причины разрыва дипломатических отношений между двумя странами в 1967 г., характер советской и израильской политики в отношении друг друга на протяжении двух последовавших десятилетий.
  • Добавил: Indulis79
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 10:32
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: The Survival of the Bark Canoe
Автор: John McPhee
Издательство: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
ISBN: 1899863583
Год: 1982
Формат: EPUB, PDF (conv)
Страниц: 114
Размер: 3,5 МБ
Язык: Английский

In Greenville, New Hampshire, a small town in the southern part of the state, Henri Vaillancourt makes birch-bark canoes in the same manner and with the same tools that the Indians used. The Survival of the Bark Canoe is the story of this ancient craft and of a 150-mile trip through the Maine woods in those graceful survivors of a prehistoric technology.
  • Добавил: Indulis79
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 09:35
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Tiber: Eternal River of Rome
Автор: Bruce Ware Allen
Издательство: ForeEdge
ISBN: 1512600377
Год: 2019
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 330
Размер: 5,0 МБ
Язык: Английский

In this rich history of Italy's Tiber River, Bruce Ware Allen charts the main currents, mythic headwaters, and hidden tributaries of one of the world's most renowned waterways. He considers life along the river, from its twin springs high in the Apennines all the way to its mouth at Ostia, and describes the people who lived along its banks and how they made the Tiber work for them.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 08:33
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Germany in the World: A Global History, 1500-2000
Автор: David Blackbourn
Издательство: Liveright
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 28 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Brilliantly conceived and majestically written, this monumental work of European history recasts the five-hundred-year history of Germany. With Germany in the World, award-winning historian David Blackbourn radically revises conventional narratives of German history, demonstrating the existence of a distinctly German presence in the world centuries before its unification—and revealing a national identity far more complicated than previously imagined. Blackbourn traces Germany's evolution from the loosely bound Holy Roman Empire of 1500 to a sprawling colonial power to a twenty-first-century beacon of democracy. Viewed through a global lens, familiar landmarks of German history—the Reformation, the Revolution of 1848, the Nazi regime—are transformed, while others are unearthed and explored, as Blackbourn reveals Germany's leading role in creating modern universities and its sinister involvement in slave-trade economies. A global history for a global age, Germany in the World is a bold and original account that upends the idea that a nation's history should be written as though it took place entirely within that nation's borders.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 08:23
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West
Автор: Calder Walton
Издательство: Simon & Schuster
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 11 Мб
Язык: английский / English

The riveting, secret story of the hundred-year intelligence war between Russia and the West with lessons for our new superpower conflict with China. Spies is the history of the secret war that Russia and the West have been waging for a century. Espionage, sabotage, and subversion were the Kremlin’s means to equalize the imbalance of resources between the East and West before, during, and after the Cold War. There was nothing “unprecedented” about Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. It was simply business as usual, new means used for old ends.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 08:18
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: The Ghost Forest: Racists, Radicals, and Real Estate in the California Redwoods
Автор: Greg King
Издательство: PublicAffairs
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 45 Мб
Язык: английский / English

The definitive story of the California redwoods, their discovery and their exploitation, as told by an activist who fought to protect their existence against those determined to cut them down. Every year millions of tourists from around the world visit California’s famous redwoods. Yet few who strain their necks to glimpse the tops of the world’s tallest trees understand how unlikely it is that these last isolated groves of giant trees still stand at all. In this gripping historical memoir, journalist and famed redwood activist Greg King examines how investors and a growing U.S. economy drove the timber industry to cut down all but 4 percent of the original two-million-acre redwood ecosystem. King first examined redwood logging in the 1980s—as an award-winning reporter. What he found in the woods convinced him to leap the line of neutrality and become an activist dedicated to saving the very last ancient redwood groves remaining in private hands.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 08:12
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Graveyard of the Pacific: Shipwreck and Survival on America’s Deadliest Waterway
Автор: Randall Sullivan
Издательство: Atlantic Monthly Press
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 26 Мб
Язык: английский / English

A vivid portrait of the Columbia River Bar that combines maritime history, adventure journalism, and memoir, bringing alive the history—and present– of one of the most notorious stretches of water in the world. Off the coast of Oregon, the Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean and forms the Columbia River Bar: a watery collision so turbulent and deadly that it’s nicknamed the Graveyard of the Pacific. Two thousand ships have been wrecked on the bar since the first European ship dared to try to cross it in the late 18thcentury. For decades ships continued to make the bar crossing with great peril, first with native guides and later with opportunistic newcomers, as Europeans settled in Washington and Oregon, displacing the natives and transforming the river into the hub of a booming region. Since then, the commercial importance of the Columbia River has only grown, and despite the construction of jetties on either side, the bar remains treacherous, even today a site of shipwrecks and dramatic rescues as well as power struggles between small fishermen, powerful shipowners, local communities in Washington and Oregon, the Coast Guard, and the Columbia River Bar Pilots – a small group of highly skilled navigators who help guide ships through the mouth of the Columbia.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 07:43
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Elephant Trails: A History of Animals and Cultures
Автор: Nigel Rothfels
Издательство: Johns Hopkins University Press
Год: 2021
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 16 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Why have elephants―and our preconceptions about them―been central to so much of human thought? From prehistoric cave drawings in Europe and ancient rock art in Africa and India to burning pyres of confiscated tusks, our thoughts about elephants tell a story of human history. In Elephant Trails, Nigel Rothfels argues that, over millennia, we have made elephants into both monsters and miracles as ways to understand them but also as ways to understand ourselves. Drawing on a broad range of sources, including municipal documents, zoo records, museum collections, and encounters with people who have lived with elephants, Rothfels seeks out the origins of our contemporary ideas about an animal that has been central to so much of human thought.
  • Добавил: harun54
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 07:30
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: The Arms of Krupp: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Dynasty That Armed Germany at War
Автор: William Manchester
Издательство: Back Bay Books
Год: 2003
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 102 Мб
Язык: английский / English

The Krupp family were the premier German arms manufacturers from the middle of the 19th century until the end of World War II, producing artillery pieces and submarines that set the standard for effectiveness. This book relates the history of this influential company.
  • Добавил: GYGLEBOOKS
  • Дата: 6-06-2023, 07:05
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Агония Сердечного Согласия. Царизм, буржуазия и их союзники по Антанте. 1914—1917
Автор: Алексеева А.И.
Издательство: Лениздат
ISBN: 5-289-00719-9
Год выпуска: 1990
Страниц: 324
Формат: djvu
Размер: 27 мб
Язык: Русский

Книга рассказывает о сговоре царизма, буржуазии и лидеров западных держав против русского народа в годы первой мировой войны. Царский временщик Распутин и английский разведчик Локкарт, великосветский заговорщик и убийца князь Юсупов, государственные деятели и темные аферисты — своеобразная портретная галерея антигероев «предфевральской» России пройдет перед читателями. Книга написана на основе подлинных документальных источников, проиллюстрирована редкими фотоснимками. Яркие картины жизни фронта и тыла, агонии монархии, петроградский колорит, голоса очевидцев событий дают возможность адресовать книгу широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся историей Отечества.