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  • Добавил: Gerza
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:57
  • Комментариев: 0
Architectural Inventions: Visionary Drawing of Buildings
Название: Architectural Inventions: Visionary Drawing of Buildings
Автор(ы): Matt Bua and Max Goldfarb
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing
Год: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1780670058
Страниц: 337
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 212 MB

Архитектурные Изобретения: изображение воображаемых зданий.
Born out of the drawingbuilding.org online archive, Architectural Inventions presents a stunning visual study of impossible or speculative structures that exist only on paper. Soliciting the work of architects, designers, and artists of renown—as well as emerging talents from all over the world—Maximilian Goldfarb and Matt Bua have gathered an array of works that convey architectural alternatives, by products, expansions, or critiques of our inhabited environments. Highlighting visions that exist outside of established channels of production and conventions of design, Architectural Inventions showcases a multiplicity in concept and vision, fantasy and innovation.
  • Добавил: Gerza
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:52
  • Комментариев: 0
Architectural Graphic Standards, 11th edition
Название: Architectural Graphic Standards, 11th edition
Автор(ы): Charles George Ramsey, Harold Reeve Sleeper, Bruce Bassler
Издательство: The American Institute of Architects
Год: 2008
ISBN: 0470085460
Страниц: 560
Язык: English
Формат: PDF (E-book)
Размер: 54 MB

The new student edition of the definitive architectural reference For seventy–five years, Architectural Graphic Standards has been the go–to reference for architects, builders, and engineers. Revised for the first time since 2000, Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition gives students their own handy resource. Carefully abridged from the Eleventh Edition of Architectural Graphic Standards, this Student Edition features the same richly detailed graphics and text that have made Architectural Graphic Standards a classic, but updated and reorganized in a way that is relevant to today?s student. Thousands of illustrations and a rich index offer immediate access to hundreds of architectural elements, while the wide variety of topics covered makes this work relevant throughout a students architecture education and into the early stages of professional practice.
(Переизданная впервые с 2000 г. книга "Архитектурные Графические Стандарты" является удобным учебным студенческим курсом.)
  • Добавил: Gerza
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:48
  • Комментариев: 0
Architectural Graphics, 4th Edition
Название: Architectural Graphics, 4th Edition
Автор(ы): Francis D. K. Ching
Издательство: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.
Год: 2002
ISBN: 0471209066
Страниц: 221
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 48 MB

Architectural Graphics presents a wide range of basic graphic tools and techniques designers use to communicate architectural ideas. Expanding upon the wealth of illustrations and information that have made this title a classic, this Fourth Edition provides expanded and updated coverage of drawing materials, multiview drawings, paraline drawings, and perspective drawings. Also new to this edition is the author's unique incorporation of digital technology into his successful methods. While covering essential drawing principles, this book presents: approaches to drawing section views of building interiors, methods for drawing modified perspectives, techniques for creating accurate shade and shadows, expert styles of freehand sketching and diagramming, and much more.
(В издании представлен широкий спектр основных графических инструментов и методов дизайна для воплощения архитектурных идей.)
  • Добавил: Gerza
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:43
  • Комментариев: 0
Architectural Drawing Course: Tools and Techniques for 2D and 3D Representation
Название: Architectural Drawing Course: Tools and Techniques for 2D and 3D Representation
Автор(ы): Mo Zell
Издательство: Barron's Educational Series
Год: 2008
ISBN: 0764138146
Страниц: 144
Язык: English
Формат: PDF (E-book)
Размер: 26 MB

High school and college students who have a budding interest in architectural design will value this book for its solid foundational orientation and instruction. Author Mo Zell introduces readers to architecture's visual language, showing them how to think spatially and getting them started in architectural drawing with a series of instructive tutorials. Presenting three-dimensional design problems, she coaches students through the fundamentals of proportion and scale, space and volume, path and place, and materials and textures. A series of 40 work units covers virtually every aspect of architectural drawing, including:
Learning to see and sketch with accuracy
Developing fundamental drawing and modeling skills
Mastering subjective representation and rules of perspective
Employing spatial strategies: rendering and diagramming ideas
(Обучение точности эскиза.
Отработка фундаментальных навыков рисования и моделирования
Осваивание субъективного представления и правил перспективы
Использование пространственной стратегии: графическое отображение идеи)
  • Добавил: Gerza
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:41
  • Комментариев: 0
Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods, 4th Edition
Название: Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods, 4th Edition
Автор(ы): Rendow Yee
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012
ISBN: 1118012879
Страниц: 608
Язык: English
Формат: PDF (e-book)
Размер: 67 MB

Architectural Drawing is the classic, comprehensive compendium of architectural drawing. Featuring examples from many high–profile architects and firms, the nearly one–thousand drawings and photos in this book illustrate all of the various types and methods of architectural drawing. The new Fourth Edition is fully updated throughout to cover all of the latest drawing methods and includes a new chapter on the convergence of digital and traditional drawing. Online instructor ancillaries will be offered.
(Монография является классическим, всеобъемлющим справочником по архитектурному чертежу. Благодаря примерам от многих известных архитекторов и фирм, почти тысяча рисунков и фотографий в этой книге иллюстрируют все различные типы и методы архитектурного чертежа.)
  • Добавил: Gerza
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:35
  • Комментариев: 0
Apartment Buildings (Architectural Design)
Название: Apartment Buildings
Автор(ы): Carles Broto
Издательство: Links International
Серия: Architectural Design
Год: 2009
ISBN: 8489861048
Страниц: 229
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 379 MB

As we approach the end of the 20th century, we live in a state of schizophrenia between architecture and housing caused by the new ways of living. From one side, there is a continuity and improvement of the inherited styles. From the other, new arguments focus our attention to environmental factors as well as local materials, constructional and compositional exploration of the facades, which collectively allows us to speak of the beginning of a new architecture. This book explores this residential debate through the analysis of a selection of apartment projects by major architectural firms. Under the diversity of the projects, there lies a common aim in the design of the interiors: to combine rational planning distribution with the best entrance of natural light.
  • Добавил: bakerman
  • Дата: 17-04-2016, 17:23
  • Комментариев: 0
Western Architecture: From Ancient Greece to the Present (World of Art)
Автор: Ian Sutton
Название: Western Architecture: From Ancient Greece to the Present (World of Art)
Издательство: Thames and Hudson
Год: 1999
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 388
Язык: English
Размер: 90 MB

Western Architecture is an original and far-reaching survey of the history of architecture in Europe and North America, from ancient Greece to the present. From the earliest classical temples to today's achievements, over two thousand years of Western architectural history are summarized. Every architectural style is the product of an ideology, and the author shows how the buildings of Greece and Rome, of the Early Christian and Byzantine centuries, of the Gothic Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment grew out of their respective cultures. In the nineteenth century the story in Europe and North America became more complicated, with the competing forces of Romanticism and industrial functionalism leading to apparently contradictory results–a situation that continues today in the clash between postmodernism and high-tech. But perspectives change, and every decade has its own views of the past. Eastern Europe has inevitably been underrepresented in Western criticism since 1945; Czech Baroque, Polish Neoclassicism, and Hungarian Art Nouveau provide some unexpected revelations. Illustrated throughout with photographs closely linked to the text, this is a guide for the student and general reader to follow into the twenty-first century.
  • Добавил: bakerman
  • Дата: 16-04-2016, 10:54
  • Комментариев: 0
Architecture in Britain, the Middle Ages
Автор: Geoffrey Fairbank Webb
Название: Architecture in Britain, the Middle Ages
Издательство: Penguin Books
Год: 1956
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 454
Язык: English
Размер: 53.4 MB

In selecting the aspects of British medieval architecture for discussion in this book, the author's point of view has been consistently that of the art historian. While fully aware of the great contribution of the nineteenth-century scholars to an understanding of Romanesque and Gothic construction, this is a twentieth-century approach to the subject. The period covered extends from the seventh century {and the earliest churches) to the sixteenth and the end of the latest and peculiarly English form of Gothic, the Perpendicular. The first appearance of monumental architecture in the great monasteries and cathedrals, the achievements of the later Anglo-Saxon age, the great flowering in the twelfth century, the astonishing precocity of the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, the monastic buildings and great houses are discussed vividly and in detail, and a special chapter is devoted to the revolutionary change in character of the parish church in the thirteenth and later centuries. The book is illustrated with 91 line drawings and 192 pages of half-tones, which fully complement the text.
  • Добавил: buratino
  • Дата: 14-04-2016, 12:23
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Made in Wood: L'art de construire en bois
Автор: Anne Norman, Etienne Bertrand
Издательство: Mardaga Pierre
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 196
Размер: 11.7 Mb
Язык: French

De nos jours, vivre dans une maison en bois n’est plus une exception. De plus en plus de projets de construction, extension, et r?novation int?grent d?sormais ce noble mat?riau. Ainsi, le bois n’est plus seulement r?serv? ? la construction des chalets comme il a pu l’?tre dans le pass? ; aujourd’hui il est ?galement utilis? dans les maisons d’architectes les plus modernes.
  • Добавил: buratino
  • Дата: 14-04-2016, 09:47
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: The City As A Tangled Bank: Urban Design versus Urban Evolution (Architectural Design Primer)
Автор: Sir Terry Farrell
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2013
Формат: epub
Страниц: 324
Размер: 26.3 M
Язык: English

Here Sir Terry Farrell, who has built an international career as an architect-planner, encourages other planners and architects to follow the biologists - look at, learn from, and, indeed, admire the nature of the forces that drive the change, and then with humility and respect work with them to nudge, anticipate and prepare for where it takes us. Searching for patterns within the apparent turbulence and complexity, he analyses the notions of urban design and urban evolution and examines whether or not they need necessarily be seen as opposing one another.