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  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:53
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / July
Номер: 5887
Формат: pdf
Размер: 7 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:53
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / October
Номер: 5901
Формат: pdf
Размер: 35,5 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:53
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / October
Номер: 5900
Формат: pdf
Размер: 40 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:53
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / October
Номер: 5899
Формат: pdf
Размер: 37 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:51
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / October
Номер: 5898
Формат: pdf
Размер: 29,5 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: buratino
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:49
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Нефтехимия РФ
Год / месяц: Март 2017
Номер: 1(38)
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 6 Mb

В номере:
Космос: Космос для частников;
Интервью: Теория защиты;
Взгляд в будущее: Время умных вещей;
Инфраструктура: Все на матч;
Турнир: Под бой часов
  • Добавил: Vitautus
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:45
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Знаменитые династии России № 168. Кантакузены-Сперанские
Год выпуска: 2017
Издательство: Де Агостини
Формат: PDF
Размер: 117.6 Mb
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: Русский

В истории всех стран есть знатные семейства, которые возникли словно бы из ниоткуда. Случалось это по разным причинам. Какие-то родовые кланы появлялись на обломках сокрушенных в грандиозных войнах государств. Другие волей счастливого случая поднимались из тех социальных низов, откуда, казалось, не было исхода.
  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:43
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / September
Номер: 5897
Формат: pdf
Размер: 22 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: kenguroo
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:43
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Science
Год / месяц: 2008 / September
Номер: 5896
Формат: pdf
Размер: 29,5 Mb
Язык: english

Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 1880, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people
  • Добавил: Vlad69
  • Дата: 1-04-2017, 18:41
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Phot
Год / месяц: 2017 Marzo-Abril / март-апрель
Номер: 8
Формат: pdf
Размер: 36,3 Мб
Язык: испанский

Esta iniciativa nace con la intencion de hacer llegar el conocimiento fotografico y de muchas de sus derivadas a todo aquel que guste de este bonito arte. Desde noticias y novedades hasta ejercicios de entretenimiento pasando por articulos de grandes profesionales del mundo que nos muestran sus trabajos y sus secretos. Miraremos en perspectiva diversos aspectos de la fotografia desde distintos angulos y diferentes puntos de vista. Nos interesaremos por todas vuestras inquietudes, buscando respuestas a aquellas preguntas y dudas que podais tener en nuestro apartado de formacion. Abriremos una puerta a nuevos valores de la fotografia, a todo aquel que nos quiera utilizar de ventana para dar difusion a un trabajo elaborado y de calidad. Bienvenidos a phot.es, la revista on-line que te explica todo lo que quieras saber sobre la fotografia de mano de los mejores profesionales.